How Does Acupuncture Differ from Western Medicine?
We work closely with western medicines and we regard very highly the importance of scientific advances in the modern world. X-rays, chemotherapy, MRI scans could never be replaced by Chinese medicine.
However, because a drug enters the body via the blood stream, all drugs have side effects. It is the discretion of a G.P, to balance between the desired effect of a drug, and the possible negative side effects.
Acupuncture does not inject anything in to the body. It stimulates energy, nerve pathways and tissues within the body, which help the mind, and body heal itself. Many natural chemicals are released within the body, when a needle is inserted. Endorphins, which are natural painkillers, are just one example of how acupuncture can help, in a musculo-skeletal disorders, such as arthritis.
We treat every new client as an individual, and as such we rarely treat 2 people the same. In the initial consultation, we take a detailed history of your ailment, and how it presents itself. We may ask more information, on a relevant subject, if we feel it may be contributing towards your condition.
We may take your pulse at the wrist, and look at your tongue. These are two important tools used in Traditional Chinese medicine, to determine your current level of health. Once a detailed picture and case history has been taken, a course of treatment will be decided, and your session will begin.
During the session, you be asked to sit or lie down. It may also be necessary, to remove some clothing, so that the we can get to the relevant places on your body.
On average, a treatment can last between 20 -45 minutes. The needles are inserted into specific places on the body, called "acupuncture points". There are well over 300, and all have different uses. Some are used in combination.
Sometimes, these needles are stimulated with a small electrical current. This process is called "Electro-acupuncture". This increases the stimulating action of the needle, which in turn effects the chemical release within the tissues
Acupuncture, Chinese medicine and massage can treat many illness, and conditions; here is a list of those most commonly treated:
Contact us:
Synergy Health Centre
Hillcrest House
The Street
Hatfield Peverel
Tel: 01245 382967
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