Meet Sharon, my beautiful wife.
We met almost four years ago, she is the most, kindest, loving and caring woman that I have ever met. Sharon works as a health care support worker on a busy ward at Broomfield Hospital, Essex, United Kingdom. She has spent the last 15 years caring the elderly. A job many of us would probably steer clear of. Sharon says "that the most rewarding part of her job is talking one to one with her patients, making them comfortable, happy and smile again".
Sharon has three grown up children and four grandchildren and another due in Oct 2018.

In October 2016 Sharon was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Treatment finished in July 2017. Sharon and I then focused on getting strong and fit again and make plans for our wedding. A mammogram in Nov was all clear.


Our wedding day really was the best day ever, I made reference to Sharon being cancer "free" in my groom's speech, which was met with cheers of joy from everyone who was present. We had a wonderful honeymoon and spent many nights sitting talking and planning our future.
In March 2018 Sharon visited her doctor with a slight cough. She had a chest x-ray which showed a shadow on her left lung. The week long wait to see the lung specialist seemed to go on forever. In his opinion he was almost certain that the breast cancer had come back and spread to her lung.
From that moment our lives had changed, forever.
Further scans and brain MRI were all done as well as a lung biopsy. The results were horrifying, the breast cancer had spread to her lungs, bones, liver, skin and brain. It cannot be cured, we were told. My lovely wife has now had radiotherapy to her whole brain, and to skin nodules. She is on constant pain relief medication, along with many other oral drugs. Sharon is also having chemotherapy every 3 weeks out of 4, this will be ongoing for always. It's now July 2018, just six months after I married the woman of my dreams. I find it hard to believe what my wife has gone through in the last 3 months. The devastating diagnosis, the pain, the chemotherapy and radiotherapy side effects which are so harsh. Now the chronic fatigue has set in, which is so physically and emotionally draining.
I work as a firefighter for the London Fire Brigade. For 26 years I have rescued people from burning buildings and saved people trapped in car crashes. I have done CPR on many people and have probably saved lots of people's lives. Being able to save someone's life is such a rewarding feeling. The hardest thing for me is that I can't save the woman I love, my wife, Sharon.
These were my thoughts, until this week when I read an article about immunotherapy treatment, I contacted a professor in London who knows a lot about this. Basically immunotherapy uses our own immune system to fight the cancer and works by helping the immune system recognise and attack the cancer cells. This immunotherapy treatment is not available in the UK/ NHS and recent clinical trials have now stopped.
The vaccine is however available in other countries, Sharon is in the process of having tests, and looking at starting this treatment very soon. However this does come at a significant cost, so we are asking for everyone's help and support please. I will post details of the costs once we have met with the Professor.
Over the coming weeks I shall be posting information from family and friends who will be organising or taking part in events to raise funding for Sharon, to allow her to have this potential lifesaving treatment.
A few events planned already are :
Sharon's son Paul is competing in the IRONMAN in Wales on 9th September 2018.... this is one of the toughest races in the world. Details to follow.
Sharon's daughter Lauren will be hosting a charity Band night. And also is arranging to take part in a midnight moon walk with her close friends.
Sharon's grandson, Leo who is just 9 years old has said "that he wants to do a sponsored cycle ride for his Nan".
A charity football tournament is in the planning process. My sister Angela and her husband Daniel are organising this. Details to follow.
Any funds raised will be used for the vaccine itself and will enable us to travel to locations where this is available. I will keep you all updated with the progress .
Thanking you all so much in advance. Together with your kind help and Sharon's will to survive, we can beat this.

Please support us by going to our GoFundMe via the link below
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